Laws & Regulations

Inappropriate and inadequate regulations for the protection of our environment constitute a major challenge to socio-economic development. The Federal Government through NESREA has developed the following Thirty Five (35) Environmental Regulations which have been published in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette and are now in force.

The Regulations are:

This Regulation provides for the conservation & wise use of wetlands & their resources in Nigeria and ensure sustainable use of wetlands for ecological and tourism purposes and to protect wetland habitats for species of fauna and flora.
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This makes provisions for the protection of water catchment areas.
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The purpose of this Regulation is to provides the legal framework for the adoption of sustainable and environment friendly practices in environmental sanitation and waste management to minimize pollution.
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The provisions of this Regulations enables consistent application of environmental laws, regulations and standards in all sectors of the economy and geographical region.
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The overall purpose of these Regulations is to regulate the access to and use of generic resources to ensure the regeneration and sustainability of threatened species.
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This Regulation seeks to minimize pollution from mining and processing of coal, ores and industrial minerals.
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These provisions seek to prohibit the import, manufacture, sale and the use of ozone-depleting substances.
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These provides to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities of food, beverages and tobacco sector to the Nigerian environment.
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The main thrust of this Regulation is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancilliary activities from the sector to the Nigeria environment
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The main objective of the provisions of this Regulation is to ensure tranquility of the human environment or surrounding and their psychological well-being by regulating noise levels.
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This Regulation is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancilliary activities from this Sector in order to protect Nigeria environment.
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The main objective of these regulations is to protect the environment and human health, ensure safety and general welfare, eliminate or minimize public and private losses due to activities of the telecommunications and broadcast industry
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The overall objective of these Regulations is to check all earth-disturbing activities, practices or developments for non-agricultural, commercial, industrial and residential purposes.
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This Regulation seeks to provide an effective and pragmatic regulatory framework for the sustainable use of all areas already affected by desertification and the protection of vulnerable lands.
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The principal thrust of this Regulations is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities of the sector in the Nigerian Environment.
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The principal thrust of these Regulations is to prevent and minimize the destruction of ecosystem through fire outbreak and burning of any material that may affect the health of the ecosystem through the emission of hazardous air pollutants.
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The major objective of this Regulation is to protect species of endangered wildlife from extinction through the prohibition of trade, importation, etc.
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The principal thrust of this Regulation is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities of the Domestic and Industrial Plastic, Rubber and Foam Sector to the Nigerian environment.
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This Regulation provides for the regulatory framework for the application of preventive, precautionary and anticipatory approaches so as to avoid degradation of the coastal and marine environment.
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The purpose of these Regulations is to prevent and minimize pollution from Construction, Decommissioning and Demolition Activities to the Nigerian Environment.
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The purpose of these regulations is to restore, preserve and improve the quality of air. The standards contained herein provide for the protection of the air from pollutants from vehicular emission.
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The principal thrust of this Regulation is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities of the Non-Metallic Minerals manufacturing sector.
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The purpose of this Regulation is to restore, enhance and preserve the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the nation’s surface waters, and to maintain existing water uses.
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The principal thrust of this Regulation is to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities of the Electrical/Electronic Sector. This Regulation covers both new and used Electrical/Electronic Equipment (EEE/UEEE).
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The objective of these Regulations is to control the effects of quarrying and blasting operations on the environment and human health as well as encourage the wise use and exploitation of natural resources and the protection of the ecosystem.
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This Regulation seeks to prevent the decline, minimize the modification and destruction of ecosystem, economy and human health caused by Alien and invasive species.
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This Regulation seeks to prevent and minimize pollution from all operations and ancillary activities from this Sector in the Nigerian Environment.
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The purpose of these Regulations is to prevent and minimize pollution and wastes from all activities of the Motor Vehicle (MV) and Miscellaneous Assembly sector to the Nigerian environment, and these Regulations shall cover new, used and end-of-life motor vehicles (UV/ELV).
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The purpose of these Regulations is to provide for improved control of the nation’s air quality to such an extent that would enhance the protection of flora and fauna, human health and other resources affected by air quality deteriorations.
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The objectives of these Regulations are to protect Nigerians ecosystem from further depletion arising from charcoal production and handling, including its export, and in particular to regulate felling of trees for charcoal production.
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The objective of these Regulations is to control the effects of Dams and Reservoirs on the environment and human health as well as reduce or minimize environmental hazards and disasters such as dam break, sediment load and dam water releases causing downstream flooding and erosion.
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The purpose of these Regulations is to prevent or minimize pollution and encourage energy efficiency in all operations and ancillary activities of the energy sector in achieving sustainable economic development in Nigeria.
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National Environmental (Healthcare Waste Control) Regulations, B2565-2592, 2021.
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National Environmental (Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PBCs) Control and Disposal) Regulations 2020 B249 – 298.
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National Environmental (Chemicals and Pesticides) Regulations 2023 B4209 – 262. The objective of this Regulations is to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals and pesticides, and other agro chemicals. It also contributes to the sustainable development of agriculture and the conservation of the environment.
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National Environmental (Battery Control) Regulations, 2024.
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